Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Birds - like living in a Hitchcock movie!

African birds (the feathered variety!) make you realise how drab our poor little creatures are. Not only are they brightly coloured they're twice the size and twice as noisy! In Nairobi, the African starlings were great entertainment, yelling at each other from ajoining trees and swooping in to steal any unattended food. They are also the most fantastic blue colour - like peacocks. They were very noisy Saturday lunchtime and the reason turned out to be two enormous Marabou Storks (the connection here is not strong enough to download photos!) on the roof of the intercontinental. They proceeded to tightrope walk the hotel sign - one extremely well, the other slightly larger and less confident, not as elegantly. Made everyone laugh except the starlings!

In Wau there is a huge flock of what Andrew calls Buzzards but will check what they are. They look like small eagles and scream constantly while swooping round the camp. They seem to have frightended all the smaller birds away. Can't quite remember what happened in the Hitchcock movie!! (Don't anyone tell me - ignorance is bliss!)

1 comment:

  1. No Mrs Andrew...You don't want to know about the Birds. Film responsible for giving me one of my few phobisas. I am of course an alto and we aren't wusses. How very interesting all this is. Keep it up dearie!
